Justin Maxon, Field Guide to a Crisis

from $5.00

Field Guide to a Crisis, by Justin Maxon

Release: February 2023
10 Skills
6 Exercises
Interview by Justin Maxon and Aaron Ochoa
Newsprint, 6 x 9 inches
112 pages
Edition of 2000
Printed in Oregon, 2022
Publisher: Little Oak.PRESS, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
ISBN 978-1-7358143-6-0
Price: $5 or
$10 (including $5 donation to fund continuing workshops)

This publication represents the first cohort of 10 participants for Field Guide to a Crisis. Justin Maxon is currently working with the second cohort now with funding from the California Arts Council (CAC). The project has recently received another grant from the CAC ($50,000) to start a third cohort of participants, consisting of youth in foster and adopted care. The project has been funded by the CAC (3 times), National Geographic Society, Center for Photographic Arts, and the Humboldt Area Foundation. 

Justin Maxon was invited to be an artist-in-residence at Wave Pool Gallery in Cincinnati Ohio, where he will bring the framework from Field Guide to work with a new group of participants. 

The project has two solo shows come in the summer of 2023 (May/June) in Eureka, CA, (Morris Graves Museum and the Brenda Tuxford Gallery) where 4 workshops will be organized to give participants the opportunity to teach their skill in real time. 

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